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Who are the Models that where in Drakes Falling Back music video

This music video is Packed with models Drake did really go all out for this one with a wide varitrty of models 

So you're asking the question who are the models in Drake's falling back music video well dont worry here is a link to all the models in the video: Drake Falling Back Music Video Models

or if your looking for the simple version below are the names:

Lucciana Beatriz Beynon
Elinda San
Barbara Ramirez
Emitis Dor Sadaf
Em Celine
Ange Jose
Sexy Psychopath
Lisa Marie
Darla Shuttlesworth
Penny Lane
Riley Gray Simpson
Tiona Frenan
Beyond Beza
Cookie Dough
Sophia Diana
Antje Utgaard
Ashlee Jenae
Jessye Romeo
Park Nur
Amy Lem